Pheasant Feathers

Common pheasants include : Male Narrow-collared (Ringnecked) Pheasants, Golden Pheasant, Lady Amhurst Pheasant, Reeves Pheasant and Silver Pheasant. Feathers from these pheasants are divided into skin feathers and tail feathers.

Lady Amhurst Pheasant Skin
Reeves Pheasant Skin
Male Narrow-collared(Ringneck)
Pheasant Skin
Golden Pheasant Skin

Pheasant Skin Feathers are short in sizes, range from 0.5-5", with the largest proportion at 1.5-3.5". They are sold loose or strung. Strung Pheasant Feathers are normally sewn in even sizes, i.e. feathers of the same size are strung together in one piece, like 1.5-1.75", 2-2.25" etc.

Different kinds of pheasants have different colors of feathers and each pheasant has various types and colors of feathers from different parts of the skin. Most of the Pheasant Skin Feathers have beautiful and unique natural colors, markings and stripes, though dyeing of these feathers is not uncommon.

Pheasant Skin Feather Trimmings

Pheasant Tail Feathers also have beautiful and unique natural colors, markings and stripes. They are sold in complete piece (set of tail feathers) or in sized bundles. Different kinds of pheasants have different sizes of tail feathers.

Ringnecked Pheasant Tail Feathers
Sizes range from 4-20" up. One complete piece should include 2 center tails of at least 20". Bundled Ringnecked Pheasant Tail Feathers are sized in 4-6", 6-8", 8-10", 10-12", 12-14", 14-16", 16-18", 18-20", 20-22", 22-24" and 24" up.

Golden Pheasant Tail Feathers
Sizes range form 4-26" up. One complete piece should include 2 center tails of at least 20"up. Bundled Golden Pheasant Tail Feathers are sized in 4-10", 10-16", 16-20", 20-24" and 24" up.

Lady Amhurst Pheasant Tail Feathers
Sizes Range from 6-30" up. One complete piece will include 2 center tails of about 30". Bundled Lady Amhust Pheasant Tail Feathers are sized in 6-15", 15-20", 20-25", 25-30" and 30" up.

Reeves Pheasant Tail Feathers
Sizes range from 6-59" up. One complete piece will include 2 center tails of at least 55". Bundled Reeves Pheasant Tail Feathers are sized in 6-10", 10-15", 15-20", 20-25", 25-30", 30-35", 35-40", 40-45", 45-50", 50-55", 55-59" and 59" up.

Pheasant Tail Feathers