Turkey Feathers

Main categories of Turkey Feathers are as follows : Turkey Full Marabous, Turkey Half-downs, Turkey Flats, Turkey Bloods, Turkey Ruffs, Turkey Plumages, Bamboo Marabous and Thin Marabous.

All Turkey Feathers we are handling are in natural white color, which can be bleached or dyed in various colors to suit different applications.

Turkey Full Marabous
Sizes range from 3-9" up with the largest proportion at 5-7". Normally the 3-4.5" size, called Short Marabous, will be separated from the 4.5" up sizes. They are the premium type among all Turkey Feathers as Turkey Full Marabous must be broad enough and with the downs full. They are sold loose, strung, or parried.

Turkey Half-downs
Sizes range from 5-9" up with the largest proportion at 5-7". Turkey Half-downs differ from Full Marabous in that they are either having plumage (instead of full down) or slightly damaged at the top of the feather. They are sold loose, strung or parried.

Turkey Flats
Sizes range from 3-7"up with the largest proportion at 5-7". They come in large quantities and are popular in many decorative and novelty products. They are sold loose, strung or parried.

Turkey Bloods
Sizes range from 1-4.5". The 1-3" feathers are referred as Short Bloods and the 3-4.5" feathers are referred as Long Bloods. They are Marabou feathers with bloody quills. They are sold loose or strung.

Turkey Ruffs
Sizes range from 4-9"up with the largest proportion at 5-7". They look similar to Turkey Half-downs with a larger plumage at the head of the feather. They are normally sold in strung and parried form.

Turkey Plumages
Sizes range from 3-6" and sold in loose or strung.

Bamboo Marabous
Sizes range from 3-5". They look similar to Full Marabous but are shorter in size and with tough quills. They are sold in loose, strung or parried.

Thin Marabous
Sizes range from 4-8"up. They have sharp heads and narrow downs at the body of the feather. They are normally sold in loose or strung, to be used in economical items.

Bamboo Marabou
Thin Marabou
Stripped Flat
Full Marabou